Sejr i Odense

DSIO 55-75 Vejen Basketball Klub
17-17; 15-16; 7-23; 16-19.

Larsen 7
Hejlskov 14
Lennert 2
Serritzlew 18
Al Baali 11
Sill II 20
Liljensøe 3

Vejen starts strong on the offensive hand giving an early break, but DSIO responds and fight back tying the game in the first quarter. Home team continue to give problems with good 3 point shooting and hustle on defense.
In the 3rd quarter coach Narciso’s guys start to make the difference on the defensive side building a big break that will remain all game long.
Next game will be played after Easter holidays on 11st of April again versus DSIO in Vejen Idrætscenter this time.